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X-Plane 11 and 12 Plugin for Windows and Mac

Nick avatar
Written by Nick
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Last Updated: March 7, 2025

RealSimGear X-Plane Plugin

Note: If you have recently updated your installation of X-Plane 12, please re-run the RealSimGear plugin installer for X-Plane 12. The X-Plane update process may overwrite files updated by the plugin installer.

  • X-Plane 11/12 - macOS - Version 2.3.1 - ZIP gets opened, and the "" is run. Install the guide HERE.

Note: Due to the custom nature of the RealSimGear flight controls, the Windows Game Controllers interface should not be used to calibrate any RealSimGear flight controls. These controls are pre-calibrated through firmware. Any calibrations done in Windows Game Controllers will have a negative performance impact on the use of these controls.

X-Plane Aircraft Config Files:

Default Command Mapping for RealityXP Avionics (GNS/GTN)

  • Default CommandMapping.ini - Version 9.3 - This is used for the RealSimGear Plugin version 2.0 or newer - This file goes in the ..\X-Plane 11 (OR 12)\Resources\plugins\RealSimGear folder.

Default Command Mapping for TDS Simulations GTNXi Pro Avionics

  • Default CommandMapping.ini - Version 9.4 - This is used for the RealSimGear Plugin version 2.0 or newer - This file goes in the ..\X-Plane 12)\Resources\plugins\RealSimGear folder.

Note: TDS Simulations GTNXi Pro is for X-Plane 12 only. For additional information on the TDS Simulations GTNXi Avionics:

Additional Command Mapping files

  • G500 software on G1000 hardware CommandMapping.ini - Version 1.2 - This is used if you are using the G500 software on G1000 hardware. This file would go in the base folder of the appropriate aircraft.

  • TorqueSim SR20/22 - Version 5.3 - This is used with the new TorqueSim SR20/22 aircraft and the RealSimGear Plugin version 1.5 or newer. This file goes in the "..\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\SR22 Collection\SR22 (or SR22T)" folders.

  • TorqueSim SR20/22 - Avidyne (Stec 55) Version - Version 1.8 - This is used with the new TorqueSim SR22 Avidyne Version.

  • TorqueSim SR20/22 - Avidyne (DFC90) Version - Version 2.0 - This is used with the new TorqueSim SR22 Avidyne Version and supports the new RealSimGear DFC90 autopilot.

  • Hotstart TBM900 - Version 5.2 - This is used for the RealSimGear Plugin version 1.5 or newer - This file goes in the "..\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\TBM900" folder.

  • RW Designs Citation Mustang - Version 1.9 - This file goes in the base of the Mustang folder.

  • AirFoilLabs Cessna 172NG - Version 1.1 - This file would go in the base folder of the AirFoilLabs 172NG.

  • AFM Mooney M20 - ** Only for plugin version 2.0.1 or newer. This file goes in the base folder of any of the M20 Mooney Aircraft.

  • Alabeo Saratoga II - Version 1.0 - This file would go in the Alabeo Saratoga II base folder.

  • Aerobask DA50 - Version 1.0 - This is a modified CommandMapping file that maps the Generic Switch Panel to somewhat control DA50 switches.

  • G1000 controlling the Gauges Plugin - Version 1.1 - Remaps G1000 PFD/MFD buttons/knobs to control some features of the Gauges Plugin This command mapping file needs to be placed in the root folder of the aircraft you have installed the RealSimGear Analog Gauges. For example if you install the gauges in the X-Plane 12 Cessna 172, the command mapping file is placed in C:\X-Plane 12\Aircraft\Laminar Research\Cessna 1762 SP.

  • Laminar SR22 - Version 1.0 - This only fully works with X-Plane 12.04b1 or later due to aircraft issues in early versions. ** Note, this disables the RealSimGear Cirrus Yoke movement due to problems with trim mapping in the Laminar SR22. If Laminar fixes this out-of-balance state, we will issue an updated CM file to re-enable the yoke movement.

Garmin Trainer Plugin

Additional Software

Driver for USB3 Display Adapter

PenMount Touchscreen Driver

  • Note** The PenMount Touchscreen Driver is for older versions of our GTN 750 and 650 hardware that have a hard wired USB cable coming out of the rear of the device. If your GTN does not have this extra USB connection, please do not install the PenMount Driver as your touch screen is natively supported through the Windows Tablet PC Settings app.

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